Bali Dancer

Bali Dancer

Flying in Sunset

Flying in Sunset

Mount Krakatau

Mount Krakatau



Solo, in Java

The oldiest keraton (palace) of solo can be seen from the sculptures in the style dutch aarchitecture firm that is still standing around the court until now.

the statues were a gift from the dutch government. different from Yogyakarta palace who refused to cooperate with the dutch, the Keraton of solo more cooperative.

So no wonder if the dutch government provides many statues as a sign of friendship.

If you visit the Keraton of solo, was certainly, the whole side of the palace contains a mysticalvalue. Once inside the palace, you are faced with a palace to stay king of the pages are filled with sand,

sawo kecik tree aged no less than 200 years.

if use shoes, you can proceed the tour around the palace, but if sandals please removed. In addition to not wear slippers, visitors are also prohibited from wearing shorts.

therefore, the palace provides batik pants.

sand stretching along the court yard is a sand sea of the southern, which is believed to cure all sorts of diseases if walking on it.

according to tour the palace guide, this sand was the same age with the sawo kecik tree that bring cool atmosphere in the palace. the tree considered a sacred fruit.

As the name implies, derived from kecik word which means good, will pass on all the good qualities when eaten.chrysophyllum should not be picked,

only to be when the fruit falls to the ground.

In front of the palace, there is a blue tower looming. normally the tower was used as a place of meditation, interacting with the queen Kanjeng Roro Kidul, the ruler of the south sea, which until now was believed

to exist, and to see moon. which saw activity to determine the coming months and the end ot the fasting months for muslim's.

In that tower. Kingof Pakubuwono meet even perform sexual intercourse with the queen Kanjeng Roro Kidul. but the relationship is "broken" after Pakubuwono X.

Pakubuwono XI and XI could only meet and dialogue with the Queen Roro Kidul Kanjeng without contact.

There is one interesting story, a journalist specialized from jakarta come to the palace, at night. courtiers to his arrival he was told at the invitation of a person.

he could not explain who she was, but she was very beautiful.

On the night he set info the palace continued to tower. the clock continues to move toward the middle of the night.

after midnight he saw Pakubuwono X came to the night. to the layman, Pakubuwono come alone. he was calm like a king,

to the hermitage on the 3rd floor to meditate. The reporter continued to abserve. After a long time because he was shocked.... next walked gracefully the king very beautiful wman.

Having abserved because he was more surprised that the woman he had invited to come!!

toward morning he went downstars and told the courtiers sould only see sinuhun walking alone, at night.

but if the note sinuhun gait was like holding someone.

The other side is no less mysthical palace is a museum with a lot of ancient object. like museum in general, the object in it is about ancient object that had been used by the family court.

including a wagon, kris, gongs, painting, hearse, and so forth. train the body that was 75 years old, once used to transport the bodies PB X and PB XI.

the condition of the train is still good. there is a special gong was beatan during the war. this unique gong no lump, so if you hit a strange noise.

According to the story, until now, the gong is aften out of water drops like tears. although there is also a mystical smells of positive energy that emanated from the palace of solo.

positive energy possesed of sacred object in museum such as images Kanjeng Queen Solo. courtiers would advise you to take pictures in front of this picture because it believed would provide smoothness and

ease in this life. in addition there is an umbrella heritage. if you photographed full umbrella will have good future.

there are also sculptures of human heads that should not be photographed ad was approached by a woman who is menstruating.

it is said that this statue be placed at the end of the king's sailboat when traveling.

behind the palace area covering 42 hectares is also not free from the mystical value. Once in the back of the palace, visitors can find a vast prairie.

there are some albino buffalo, white buffalo type who only carried out the court every year on 1 Muharram, the islamic New Year celebrations. buffalo is being paraded around

the city because believed to provide good and provision. it is said that litter was a bone of contention residents.

buffaloes is pet Pakubuwono II. not obviously true origin of the buffaloes. some say a gift from regent ponorogo to Pakubuwono II,

to oversee a heritage palace named kyai slamet, who says there are buffaloes were sent from one kingdom from outside java.

every nigtht, according 1 sura (calendar of java), or the night of 1 Muharam according to the islamic (Hijri), a flock of this sacred buffalo always paraded, a guard number of heritage palace.

ritual 1 Sura carnival night it self is very eagerly awaited community. thousands of people came pouring in around the palace, also on the streets of the

procession will pass. society believes will get a blesing from the palace when watching the procession.

According to the story, albino buffaloes had a lot of uniqueness. for example, often travel to distant places in search of food, without the courties followed menggembalakannya duty.

they are often up to a distance of cilacap over 100 km from Solo, or Madiun in East Java. yet strangely, the New Year ahead of Java, they will return to court for the pression will follow the ritual heritage.

Keraton Solo never devoid of visitors. espesially in the holiday school vacation, many buses-school students from out to town come over there. foreign tourist had been visiting there.

to enter the palace every visitor must pay a ticket for Rp 6,000. plus USD $3500 if you bring tustel or video. at the entrance you will be greeted with a friendly by pamu tour.

one of automatically mererka will accompany you around the palace.

